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Tammy Sutton


Business Owner

Real Estate Investor

Super Power: Make-it-Happenist

"Task + Deadline = Get it Done"

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My journey into real estate investing was a long one that I didn't know I was on. I most definitely thought we had passed the age of being able to invest in real estate for profit -- yes, that's an old wive's tale. 

Renovations, remodeling, and interior decorating were always the must-dos in every house we owned, yet I never quite paid attention to how it made our home more valuable. My first real estate investment project was successful. I project managed and swung a hammer to turn an uninhabitable house in Memphis into a college rental house for one of my sons and his teammates. It was exhausting, but fun! The passive income it generated was eye opening and we began to explore real estate investing further because one conversation my husband and I never seem to finalize is about generating passive income for retirement. 

To add a little career history, I began my career as a paralegal for the Attorney General’s Office in Texas back in the 90s. After marriage, I chose to work from home doing legal contract work and printing services while raising our three children for the next several years. Being accessible to my family has always been a main priority. After my husband accepted a job transfer to Tennessee to further his very successful corporate career in 2001, I added my teacher license to my undergraduate degree and obtained a Master’s Degree in Integrating Technology into the Curriculum. I have always been able to balance a career and family, but financial freedom was not being generated off of a teacher's salary.

Fast forward to 2017, my husband and I acquired a franchise business of four SmartStyle Hair Salons by Regis Corporation. While we both balanced our careers to manage the franchise, I realized I had a knack for business. Even though I was getting good at it, I realized  the franchise just "bought" me a human resource career. While monetary wealth was expanding, time wealth was diminishing. Little time was left for spending quality time playing with my grandchildren and enjoying hobbies of writing, decorating cakes and cookies, and taking walks with our dogs was gone.

A few years back, my sister and son began investing in apartment complexes. The more I learned about their new adventures, the more I was interested. One sentence ruminated in my mind and peeked my curiosity and truly never left, “If you have a single-family house that’s vacant – you’re operating at a 100% loss, but if you own a 10-unit multi-family home with one vacancy – you’re operating at a 10% loss.” This was the path for passive income we needed. After a very long discussion with my husband, I came to realize that even though I thoroughly enjoyed being an educator and facilitating ways for students to make connections with learning, it was time for me to leave the classroom and take over our franchise business fully and begin to explore real estate investing more. This move allowed us to regain vision and balance in our lives that had gotten lost.

Even though we have always invested our money the traditional way, and our trustworthy advisor has done right by us, we discovered that by securely investing in real estate and utilizing the tax benefits, it was an excellent way to diversify and scale our portfolio in order to generate the passive income we need to enjoy a secure, happy retirement. 

In January 2020, I was welcomed into running the family owned single-family real estate business in Texas. The more I learned there, the more intrigued I became in investing conversations with Kim and Chad. And just like that, I found myself joining another family business on the multi-family side ultimately leading me to this incredible team known as Quattro Capital.


The passion I had for teaching has been renewed into a passion for multi-family investing. Every day there is something to learn and someone to help. 

Real Estate Track Record

  • Single Family rental house in Memphis yielded 100% profit upon sale

  • Owner of two townhouse properties

  • Owner of land in Lurton, Arkansas

  • Owner of land in Fouke, Arkansas

  • General Partner for 67-unit multifamily in Knoxville 

  • Asset Manager for 33 properties in Texas

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