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Why do we invest in multifamily real estate?

Business Meeting

"These are trying times for the country, and we are reminded on a regular basis how crucial safe and secure housing is during a period of uncertainty and upheaval…”

Doug Bibby, President

National Multifamily Housing Council

Maybe you're wondering why we invest in multifamily real estate....

during a global pandemic induced recession with significant public unrest?

Here are a few quotes from experts in the field that

reflect what we are experiencing in the multifamily real estate market.

Amplify Wealth

It's why we work so hard. It's about investing wisely so everyone can realize their passion. Whether your passion is financial, generational or philanthropic. Being smart with money fuels the flames of passion.

We focus on four steps to amplify wealth:

Analysis, Due Diligence, Property Management and Returns.




Due Diligence


Asset Management





We thoroughly analyze the vast majority of all deals in our targeted markets with only 1% to 3% qualifying for further review. This data driven vetting process ensures assets that meet our conservative underwriting. While there are nearly 100 criterion we consider, our focus is on analyzing the current cash flow of the property. We base our analysis on actual financials rather than pro formas.


Due Diligence

We assemble a team of industry professionals to help us perform due diligence. Together and on site, we inspect and analyze all financials and the physical condition of the property to fully understand the potential risks and uncover opportunities for our investors. We only move forward to purchase if the asset completely passes our evaluation.


Asset Management

Our focus is to accomplish the financial plan for our property. We ensure this by making certain our tenants want to live in our property which leads to predictable cash flow and appreciation. Our process and system includes key performance indicators (KPIs) which are focused on strong financial, occupancy and quality standards.



We focus on two aspects that assure profitability because returns begin by not losing and end with gaining. We describe these two elements as:

  1. Return OF capital

  2. Return ON capital

Cash flow drives profits to the bottom line which positions the asset for profitable exit for investors. Asset improvements but not too many. The next investor needs to have some value to add for their profits as well.

Chess Pieces

Recognize Opportunity

Quattro Capital is here to make investing in multifamily and commercial real estate easier for our investors and partners:

  • We identify specific emerging markets around the United States.

  • We build deep roots in those markets to find value add investment opportunities.

  • We develop the boots on the ground team of professionals.

  • We underwrite and perform due diligence.

  • We assemble the team of investors and work with lenders.

  • We contract a certified property manager to operate the property.

  • And most importantly, we assure investor income and payouts happen first.

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