Episode Description
Jeff moved from New Orleans to Houston after Hurricane Katrina and found work as a data entry clerk behind the desk at a logistics company. He began working on solving problems for customers and soon found himself in customer-facing meetings helping salespeople close deals. Eventually, he became a global sales rep for a fortune 200 Global firm that continues solving complex supply chain issues for clients to this day. He began investing in 2015 so his commissions could earn commissions and has scaled this into a 952-unit portfolio.
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Instagram: @TeamQuattroCapital
Facebook: @TeamQuattroCapital
Website: www.TheQuattroWay.com
[00:01 - 06:29] Opening Segment
Introducing Jeff to the show
Brief background and career
Jeff shares his story and advice for becoming an investor, including tips for scaling into multifamily and creating passive income
[06:30 - 12:25] How to multiply your wealth through real estate
How a salesperson can earn commissions and then pay taxes on that income, which can lead to a higher tax bill
How a salesperson can learn about real estate and buy their first property, which can lead to increased wealth.
How a salesperson's mindset can shift to make money work for them, and how this journey can be scaled up as the salesperson becomes more successful
[12:26 - 15:53] Forming a Team and Changing Lives
Transitioning to acquisition specialist from being a private money lender
working with other supply chain and logistics professionals to syndicate Jeff’s projects
[15:54 - 20:52] The Quattro Trio
What is your superpower?
Cold calling
What is your biggest failure?
Not doing due diligence when doing lending
Free report at www.MultiFamilyAdvice.com
Philanthropic venture:
Founders Baptist Church in Houston Texas
Connect with Jeff through LinkedIn and Facebook, or visit http://www.multifamilyadvice.com.
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Real Estate Runway Podcast is all about alternative business and investment strategies to help you amplify life, and maximize wealth! Click here to find out more about the host, Chad Sutton.