Episode Description
Cody Bjugan is a seasoned real estate developer who helps others achieve success in the industry. Through Allied Development and VestRight, he teaches people to become land acquisition specialists and sell for 6-7 figure profits without risking capital. Cody's mission is to share his knowledge and inspire others to create a lasting legacy in real estate.
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[00:00 - 07:32] Opening Segment
Cody Buin founded Allied Development and Vest Wright
Lost 90% of his 8 figure net worth in 2008, but rebuilt it all
Specializes in raw land development and entitlement approval process
Purpose is to pivot family legacy and make an impact through Vest Wright
[07:33 - 14:36] Strategies for Success in a Down Market
Building strong relationships with five people can positively impact your future
Diversifying real estate investments across multiple states helped survive the Great Recession
Personal development, mentorship, and coaching are essential for success
In a down market, pick up talented people and fill the pipeline for deals as wealth can be generated
[14:37 - 21:41] Maximizing Human Capital in Land Development
Hiring decisions are being made now as the labor market loosens
Land developers control the deal by controlling the dirt
Raw land must have specific features to be developable
Value-add in land development comes from taking raw land through approval process and selling to developers
[21:42 - 28:49] Maximizing Human Capital in Land Development
Vest Wite's approach involves locating off-market real estate deals and selling them at a profit
As the asset moves from raw land to a cash-flowing productive asset, the risk increases
The optimal strategy is to focus on off-market prospecting and getting developments approved without taking on debt or owning the land
On average, real estate values increase by $3 for every dollar of productive asset value increase, leading to life-changing success stories for Vest Wite clients
[28:50 - 39:38] Closing Segment
Cody Bjugan is a specialist in entitlements and raw land development.
He teaches off-market prospecting, identifying development potential and getting deals approved.
Cody's superpower is being visionary and creative. He has learned the value of personal growth and not comparing oneself to others.
Learned to not compare oneself to others and live in the gain, not the gap
Connect with Cody:
Websites: http://www.codybjugan.com, http://www.vestright.com/, www.allieddev.com
Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook
Download Cody’s free ebook, “7-Figure Raw Land Paydays Playbook”.
Find it at www.vestright.com/RERunway
“You're only in competition or in comparison with yourself. Live in the gain and not the gap.“ - Cody Bjugan
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